Take your Carbon Measurement Journey up a Gear

We are pleased to introduce Inntel’s partnership with TRACE by Isla, a platform designed to offer transparent carbon measurement, reporting and reduction opportunities for meetings and events.

The software has been designed by event specialists to measure and reduce the environmental impact of your live, hybrid and digital events, including everything from the energy consumed to the transport logistics and waste.

TRACE’s data capture and reporting tools are fully aligned with the GHG Protocol and GRI Standards for environmental reporting. This alignment ensures that you can see the full environmental impact of your event operations, meeting global standards and complying with SBTi’s and Race to Zero initiatives.

You can’t reduce what you don’t measure and TRACE will provide you with the data you need to make meaningful changes and minimise your events’ carbon footprint.

What’s included

  • Analysis: TRACE will provide immediate analysis of event activity, before, during and after your event
  • Report: This is available both pre and post event. With TRACE it is possible to estimate the environmental impact, apply recommendations and support with delivering a reduced carbon footprint.

Why use the service?

  • Prepare for future legislation
  • Create event KPIs that align with wider business sustainability goals and/or Net Zero pledge
  • Financial savings across the supply chain
  • Identify opportunities for event innovation and carbon savings


To measure the carbon impact from your meeting or event yourself, the license fee per event is £130 + VAT. Inntel will arrange the license for you, you can add supplier data and generate a carbon report.

Inntel can support you with collecting and entering the supplier data, analysing the carbon report and providing consultancy on how you can reduce the impact from this or future events. To add on our consultancy package, there is a fee of £280 + VAT per day. (not including the license fee)

Find out more

Got a question? Get in touch today by emailing Ellen Mutimer on and she will be happy to answer all your questions.

Understanding your overall carbon footprint.